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Saturday, January 31, 2009
hey peeps~
did ya kno tat we made PIZZA 2day?!?!?!?!!??!?!!?!? [[ im sure u dun kno]]
anyways... OBSERVE~


looks good rite??? [[i know~i help 2 make 1 ma]]
[[ i feel pro-ish]]
anyways... mouth-water-ing anytime u want!!! ya aint gettin any!!!
[[sry, kinda lost my pro-ness rite thr]]

anyway... hapii bloggin!!!

THE Pro =3=
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
10:22 PM

CRAPs TIME [i oso have a weird dream too hahaaz~!]
Friday, January 30, 2009
this dream is actually during the second day of the new year
[weird dream during new year?!]

i was in a classroom but i dunno that
place & had never gone to that
place b4 ..
suddenly the class room full of [unknown] ppl den i
dunno for wat reason fell in love with
a guy which i dunno too..
den that guy he has a gentle look
which i only rmb he look gentle but
[forgotten his actual look HAHAHAAAz~!!!]
but not long after a girl
[oso i dunno who & forgotten her looking, but she look pretty.. ]
dunno why she ask me to be
her "gf"[ekkkk~!!!!yucks!!!!!]
but i dun rmb i accepting her sia
all of a sudden i am ad other place it
[near my house one larh]
den dunno why we are playing
roller- blade sia !!!
[for info i'm really not a lesbian!!! pls believe me T.T]
when i reach home thinking
[why did i accept her to be my "gf"
and since when did i accept her sia~!!!!!0.o
i take out my fone , ready to send
her for break up
but dunno why i suddenly turm out to other place
[and where's my fone ?]
[i dunno why i can dream so many places in few hours of sleep=.=]
we went to shopping with the girls in
same class in my dream ones ..
[oso dunno who them sia!]
den suddenly i hear from those girls
said that the guy oso coming to
join us later i was so excited
but dunno why suddenly i was afraid
[coz that "girl" appear!!!]
den i ermm..dun rmb liao hahaaz~!!
[i noe this dream is sooo~ DISGUSTING!!!! but any sorry abt it]

naori-kuun =]
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
11:01 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009
ytd we all went 2 "bai nian"
den we recieved angpao....(yaya bla bla)
EXCEPT...pig sty von!!! ahahahahahahaha
tat time she was wearing all black! so the guy couldnt see her or wad!
she was holding 4 angpaos...she gave each 1 one edi
butt she missed out pig sty (thrs still 1 more angpao on her hand)
pig sty was sad~ (boohoo~)
(i was oso LMAO) (haha funny)
and den tat was it... nth nth
den reach the car! pig sty cried!!!
of cos not la i was just kidding~ no offence though << pig sty
mummy say she will patch up tat angpao 4 her... so noob...
it was RM5 inside~
anyway... tat was it~
the day was blah blah boring~

ok i g2g bye peeps~ rmb 2 make more posts!!!
no posts u die!!!

THE pro =3=
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
6:44 PM

i dreamt tat pig sty(aka von) was kidnapped!!!
i ran out of our house n ran 2 the place she was kidnapped!!!
(i hav no eye-deer how i kno whr the dumb place is)
den along the way i saw a dog! (wth?)
den i ran into a building~ (freaky~)
i saw mani children kidnapped n left thr...
den i saw a guy (ok, i 4got how he looked like) (oni 1 guy, kidnapped 8children?!)
i saw tat pig sty (agn aka von) wasnt thr...
n i oso din bother 2 rescue the other children ( ya i know...im heart-less)
(butt it was all part of my dream! make comments later)
den suddenly whn i was leaving the place, i saw like sum kind of smoke
comin out from sum holes on the wall...(crazy weird~)
i knew wad it was ( sum kind of knock-out gas u kno?)
so i hold my breath~ (i feel so hero-ish)
den the guy ask me wan drink orange jus anot?? (i mean WTFish?! in the middle of nowhere?!)
i said: "dun tink i duno! u put poison in the drink! u noob!"
after tat, i ran out of the building...(it was more like a factory,butt hu cares??)
den later on...while i was running home, i saw tat freaky dog agn
it SPOKE 2 me!!!!!!
den it tok so much crap!!!! i couldnt take it ( -_-ll )
suddenly it said: " i am von la u idiot! "
i couldnt blif my eyes!!!! I WAS GONA ROFLMAO !!!!!
she looked ridiculous! looked so NOOB!!
u relli couldnt imagine how PATHETIC she looked!!!
(ok bac 2 the point)
i carried her on my arms n ran bac home!!!
den SUDDENLY................

i woke up~ ( hehehe )


THE pro =3=
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
6:19 PM

yo it's nitex tyme^~^
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
finally i back home .. haahahahaas~
butt this CNY is fun [kindda like it]

i still wan holiday T-T
heii~i still heven see
1) Heero 's
2)Catlyn 's
3)Meep- meep 's
4)CyberCurry 's

text in this forum!!!
pls guys text , this blog neeeds eiur text
thnx for eiur co-operation>w<


--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
12:23 AM

yo it's nitex tyme^~^
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
12:23 AM

The Family Pic :]
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The family Pic :]

Before editing :]
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
4:48 PM

I love MEE SIAM ,
MEE SIAM is my entire life ,
so if eiuu eat me it's equal to eat my entire life,
so hopefully next tyme when eiuu r eating MEE SIAM,
muxt think abt me.. i hope eiuu really
think abt me:P


Vincent the emo
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
3:23 PM

i see a crab toking crap!
i see a lamb tok lame!
i see a DD toking like DEEDEE (dexter's sis)
i see a face full of faeces!
i see MissSkin wif/o Skin!!!!
i see a noob sitting infront of comp looking at tis noob post!!!
i see a noob complaining how noob tis post is~
i see a noober noob's brain got blown away~
i know... we are toking crap~

THE pro
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
2:58 PM

yo hoo~
yeah i'm the first to post the comment in this blog ^u^
tuday i'm gonna to tok crap Bwahahahas~!!!
so please listen to wat i wanna say....
nice right the colours~
wat "c
olour" do eiuu prefer???
any way i nth to say lo~
bye & takeCares~

watashi wa [[naori]] desu..

++crap rox++
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
1:24 PM

us, we, our's!

Family pic made by :
Meep-Meepx33 and bits by THE pro~
i'm gonna intro our namo..(according by our age)^~^
mak chik wei
1st = Heero
2nd = Catlyn
watashi wa NAORI desu
3rd = Naori
miss skin
4th = Vincent
THE pro
5th = THE pro
cyber curry
6th = CyberCurry
7th = Meep-Meep
bla bla bla any thing which is CRAP, bla, your comp, bla, your barbie, bla, SPONGEBOB, bla bla bla...
|January 2009|
|February 2009|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|THE pro|
|cyber Curry|