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malacca trip [part 2]
Sunday, March 29, 2009
*sorry for keeping eiuu guys waiting for the photos to be upload..^~^
o ya when eiuu read.. the words will be written/dicribe
above the pictures..kay..not below ar..
c wrong not my problem..
Day 1

finally we got on to the first bus~
this is our second bus which we will be taking for the next three days~comfy bus!!!


while everyone was busy looking how they do the furniture , kiki & I…

kim wat eiuu looking?

that all for day 1~

Day 2

heii dun fall asleep on our bed?!
hotel room
during the temple ..snap some photo in case when project needs it..
come let me intro to eiuu guys~
she's our tourguild, aisha.. ^~^
(do eiuu guys noe if eiuu look into this well
and if eiuu saw a croc in it means that eiur heart is pure?)
So I keep on look into it hopefully I cn see..
den after we almost going back to the bus others were busy looking at some other places

I keep looking in it den follow by Jerome and shu rei standin juz beside
oso looking hard to see whether there’s croc or not..
aiya in the end non of us saw haiz
non of us is pure heart..LOLx..
the person who saw must be eye-sight problem..:p
huntua's well

ameerah posing wooh~
alamak irfan any how snap only hahaax~ never wait for the others hahaax~
arh~ perfect~ at least we looking to the camera~
eye of malaysia~
wow concentrating hard huh?
OMG the legs so small..
to the another temple~
aiyo~so blur~
WOW cool sia~ eiuu noe wat’s that? It’s a air hole~
back in the bus~
lolx gana accident snap shot by me~
kim’s posing
back again in the bus snap shotting other thing outside~
aiyoh the lamp pose~!!!
some time eiuu think that thing that block eiur way might be bad but wat about this~?

LOLx police ridding on the horse?
we got on the bus again .. when I was sitting behind the bus boring went infront to disturb them~
boring right eiuu can try this~
from this ~
to this~?
or this~?
alamak~ me posing in middle of nowhere?=p
[still can pose wor~:p]
alamak why i'm standin in middle of nowhwere
night view during going to dinner[on the bus of coz]~
oh ya~CAUTION : do not wear sunglasses during night time ..
want to noe y ?
after our dinner went going onto the bus some one ask
someone why was he still wearing sunglass dring night time?
no sun already wat ?
den another replied fast : no sun but got moon..
den not long after i quicky went on the bus [as usual i'm the first to get on board]
den he go up using another door den
suddenly when i look back he was laying on the floor
wondering y is he laying on the floor den i heard some one say tht
trip and fall o,o'"...
*if were in the trip i bet eiuu noe who i mean by the 'someone'..
look real huh~?

that all for day 2~

Day 3

c la early in the morning so busy~
somemore still gt time to play comp wor~hahahaax~kiddin’
for the very last time to hav a good look at my hotel room’s door~
irfan look likes he going to holiday hahaa~

After the checking out from the hotel den we continue our jorney~
Den at that place I demand kiki and irfan to take picture tgt~
Dun shy shy la~
ah thong giving us lesson again by showing us wat's column and beam~
me and fadilah exchange our glasses and took this pic~
say 'hi' to everyone~
after that we watch some culture dancing~
dinner time~

c wat c huh~?LOLx anyhow snap shot me huh~?!

meerah & me

ALAMAK i look fat in this hahaax~

after that we take bus back to S'pore~haiz

[o ya i had to thanx to kiki for leting me to grab some of her pic~]


save me!!!



--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
3:00 PM

us, we, our's!

Family pic made by :
Meep-Meepx33 and bits by THE pro~
i'm gonna intro our namo..(according by our age)^~^
mak chik wei
1st = Heero
2nd = Catlyn
watashi wa NAORI desu
3rd = Naori
miss skin
4th = Vincent
THE pro
5th = THE pro
cyber curry
6th = CyberCurry
7th = Meep-Meep
bla bla bla any thing which is CRAP, bla, your comp, bla, your barbie, bla, SPONGEBOB, bla bla bla...
|January 2009|
|February 2009|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|THE pro|
|cyber Curry|