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barney song
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Barney song ; different lyrics

"Barney is a dinosaur without imagination,
Then, he got the chicken pox ;
and died of constipation"


Lyrics made by : EL's fwen
Person hu told me : EL
I do not own the lyrics.
All rights reserved. o-o

-MeepMeep <3
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
9:59 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Erm...another long time din post...
n same excuse...i hav 2 blogs in my hand
i hav 2 post in tat 2 blog regularly ==
otherwise gt ppl will nag me ==
say he dunno wat i've been doin lately
den ask a lot...even wat i eat lately

ok...1stly...i start 2 mapling again lo ^^
bt nt like last time...play till 4gt time tat type la
cos i dunno wat happen 2 my com
vry clever de...==
oni let me play after 1:30....n till b4 5 ==
so...i seldom play lo
oni when im free...n boring
so until now jz LV19
n this time...i play in FORNAX
i muz say...
FORNAX is sooooooo empty
till now, i oni c less than 50 players ==
o mayb is cos i play after midnite? mayb...

tat day...i n my roomate went sing K~
n 4 vry vry long
7 hrs~ =P
i oso dunno how n why
v diin feel tired ==
n bcos its quite cold inside
n v drank lots of water
so...v keep goin 2 toilet
i start 2 wonder whether my kidney is function well ==

i dunno wat else 2 write d la
oya...lately gt 1 fren
everyday ask me stupid Q ==
Hope tat he can get a gf quickly
den dun come n kacau me anymore =P

lastly...im having my exam on mon n sat
den can go back JB d~^^
pray 4 me
wish tat i can pass n get gd result~^^

--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
7:50 PM

April, 2009
that night
11/04, saturday & 12/04, sunday
went tonning,
with cassandra, minyang, huishan & two of her cousins(both sisters)..
den we meet up about 7++
i went meet cassandra first
den wait for bus super damn long lo~!
den meet cassandra up liao
meet minyang and & huishan with one of her cousin
woh~ our junior..hahaax~
meet at Bukit panjang plaza mac huishan & minyang eating..
den after eating we went walk walk
awhile den buy small foods eat coz i and cass heven eat..
den took LRT to
teck whye to acc her cousin to change
[coz she's still wearing sch uniform]
den we alight the station huishan and her cousin
walk super fast..
me, cassandra and minyang ..
slowly den suddenly they disappear den we
decide to find a sit to sit down eat
while waiting..
juz about minyang finish saying
huishan ps us den
she call minayng's phone..
she keep on, on the fone say
'keep walk straight..just straight'
den we like lost liao..den 'hack care'
den we sit at the nearby to LRT's
table sit and eat..
talking talking (actually nonsence)
huishan and her coiusin suddenly
pop out from somewhere
they came back to find us
but we decide to sit under void-deck to
finish our ou wah mee-sua
lolX ..
the table gana vandalise sia..
ppl go write those mushy thing..eek~!
i tot they use chocolate to write..
after that hand gana.. disgusting sia!
den after that we talk under
void-deck for some time realise that they were
very slow~
i think they took about almost
half- an hour to finish their preparation..
after that went to buy things
eg(sweets, mentols and chocolates and whatever.)
den after that procceed to find coffee-shops
wash hands..
the thing which gana my hand isnt
chocolate but handna..
make my hand look so dirty~
anyway never mind who cares
about it..
den went there taking bus to
plaza singapura to change another bus..
on the bus all of us
like mad and wierdo(s)
den ppl like think we like siao liao
den after we alight
cassandra suddenly say she wantted to go home..
haiz.. i noe it..
somehow just noe it..

so soon she left
we went to toilet
den proceed to our journrey.
walao standing the whole time..
leg so tired ..
lolX~ den finally reached..
went to seven11 buy things..
soon after we reach there..
walk walk..
den after that again we
talk to the same place as 03/04..
den we slack at there

but seriously this time's outing
is more fun than before's one..
coz more ppl more fun..
hahaaax~playing around..
but dunno this time dunno
why tired sia~!!!
walao spoil my mood..
somemore dunno why the time
pass so slow lo, ..
den we walk and talk den we went to
the billard place again to
play the crane thingie..
this time no one caught any thing
waoh~ lucky sia!
coz if minyang caught again
later those things all pass to me
i die sia~!
den oso again go eat breakfast
during 4am coz got mac breakfast..
haahaahaaahz~ funny one lo..
den when we eat..
yanxean sleeping.. after minyang
finish eat he oso sleep~
den i huishan and yanyong
chat haahahahaax~
lolx our conversation funny and interesting sia..
den we keep talk talk.. hahahax~
den we went to walk walk again
we wake them up ..
the way they wake up funny der lo..
den after that we went to the me place...
the bicycle place again to slack ..

den minyang sleep yanxean sleep too
den after awhile yanxean woke
up den she sleep on my lap..
like mother wor..
den after that almost moring
[actually already morning liao]
den after that went home..
huishan went to pray "ancesstor"
i dunno how to spell..
after that went to find them play bb again..
13/04, monday..
finally SCHOOL REOPEN~!!!
~wo ho ho ~
oyah i forgotten to metion that our school have april
in-take ppl..
den i went to school as usual ..
but dunno how come i had a
feeling that i new to that place..
den like very weird feeling lo..
some more usuall on the bus to my
school i will sleep on the bus..
but i didn't eyes open big big..=.=!
but i'm tired lo~
reach there a bit late..
den finally i reached the school
den i going to reached the lift on my block
at downstairs i saw two ppl
jinTian and kim
siao lo.. the moment i saw them they
keep laughing..
coz before they came down they saw zaza
they bring her till 3rd floor den
took the lift down again..
and saw me..
lolx.. den reached the drawing class
i tot a lot ppl come already but
quite little ppl..
den zaza say kim bad never bring her up
during then i still quite quiet coz
the funny feeling is still there..
den like dunno wat to talk about with them..
[feel like new comer]
hahaax~ soon almost noon
i'm back to normal
den better in commuincating lerh..
den after that
i went to tampines 1 [the new shopping centre]
after school..
den khalisah & the rest dunno walk till where liao
left me and kim,..
oyah forgotten to mention that kim's leg kena injured
due to previous football match
her friend funny one lo
she's jux infront of kim..
den shout her name den kick the ball so hard den
hit kim's leg.. cant walk much
den we took cab down...
the both of us go walk walk first den meet
khalisah and the rest come
they still walking..
so after alwhile we meet up
we went walk alwhile..
den went home soon den meet huishan
play bb ..
but we went to trim our eyebrown den go play bb..
den leebin and her guy oso got go
den after we finish our eyebrown trimming
leebin went home soon and her guy
bring her back ..
den we went to play at the nearest court..
greenridge bb court..
went home at 10..
that was my limit time to reach home..
14/04, tuesday
this time normal got sleep on
bus.. hahahaax~
but still reach school tired..
den reached class t.cher say he need us
to take photo like passport kind
den dunno want for wat
[cant remember]
t.cher ask kim to lent him her
den during break..
kim asked her mother to help bring
the camera..
soon after the break finished
we went back kim in-charge to take their photos..
den the rest do continue their autoCAD..
den soon my turn walao all pic never laugh like that lo
den i took second shot ..still not nice ..
den after that i ask kim can retake ..
she say the camera going no battery
so after that i suggest to use my fone to take
anyway can take the photo from front view..
den after that not only me want to retake..
kim herself and jinTian oso..
so we three took ...
this is me................
she took the longest one lo
take one pic oso longer than the both of
den the laughing pic which is the second one
that was the most longest one lo
he holding my phone ..
at first her face is the first one like that
she take the pic, in order to making herself
smile infornt the camera
she self high~..
siao ..den after that we took this once we finish
the photo taking ..
fun in classfun in class
chezzfun in class
fun in classfun in class
fun in classfun in class
fun in classfun in class
fun in classfun in class
fun in classfun in class
fun in class
siao one lo.. all kind of faces .. expecially kim ..hahahaa.
den t.cher saw us like this
like not happy.. lolX~
den hack care ..
after school went home ..
den meet huishan again to play bb
go home again 10 ..
15/04, wednesday


lesson as per normal ..
nothing much..
went to play bb after that ..
16/04, thursday
went school ..
drawing lesson..
den t.cher tell us no more drawing
from this term onward..
SIAO AR..lame lor
den we went to autoCAD room
do some work
but end up everyone play computer
rather then doing work..
den t.cher asked everyone to move to
the front as everyone doesnt know wat to
do .. den after the explaination ..
we went to our place..
den kim say she gonna put my face at there
den i play back with her
i go edit a pic from above make
it into something funny..
but her's even more funny
she crop my face put on a very muscular
girl's body..
walao paisei sia!
den i go plug out the main wire on time ..
i rmb some even wanted to take photo of it..
den she keep find some other suitable body to
replace mine .. walao eh ,..
den that darren keep see see see~!!!!
go eat shit la..
walao eh~
show some respect to ppl
eiuu one boy want to keypo ..
somemore those obsence pic lo
..i almost create a fight scene lo
after tha t i hack care let him go ..
super angry lo ..
den aoon break time~
den after that we went down to have our break
me, kim, jinTian, faizah, jerome
went to co-op outside to sit
den nothing to do ..
talk ..
our cnversation oso quite funny one~
den after th break ..
went up first
den we waited at the autoCAD room outside as the door is closed
den we wait and wai
den suddenly i saw ahmad walk pass us
den i went to c awhile eh i tot i saw
him walking toward the
drawing class room ..
suddenly dissapear..0.0!?
den we walk to the drawing classroom
but the room it's dark?
alamak ..
den walk about the area c where the hack they went to
den i went back to the room c again ..
i looked down ...
some one trying to put the door
that's why when the first time i tried to
pull the door cant be open..
den after that we did the same to kim and darren
but include some thing to lock the door
coz before that kim went to chase after darren forgot why already..
den took somthing to lock the door
when close, darren came back
WALAO~!!!den when she came back ..
she talk to her cousin awhile..
den after we waited too long [no patien liao]
took the broom out den open the door
still talking ..
den after that awhile
faizah went out to see see
awhile den went back to the room
lock again ..
coz coming liao ,..
den we wait & wait & wait
still dun have leh~
jinTian walk towards to the door to see where
she is den kena shock coz kim
suddenly pop her face at the door..
den the both of the kena shock ..
kim's reaction funny fer lo~
den after she came in the t.cher from other
class came in tell us to lower our voice
coz we keep bang doors and shout and laugh very loud..
that's all funny parts..
den went to find huishan
again basketball..
when home 10 again..
17/04, friday
got this from eelyn my cousin..
"itanic scene 1"
jack:hey siao eh ? Me teach u an jua fly, want or not?
Rose:Mai lah, I scare leh.
Jack:no need scare lar,lai i teach u.
Rose:Don't lar.Me really scare leh.
Jack:lai lar.Stand on the railing, then i hug u.
Rose:like that huh..?
Jack:yah.Then hor,spread yur arms.Walao eh,why so smelly one?
Rose:kan ni na.U say my armpit smelly ah!
Jack:wah i bey tar han already lar!
*Jack fainted and both fell into the sea
"*Scene 2:"
*One fine day, late at night, Jack Duakang was on the deck of Titanic when he heard some loud footsteps. He looked to see what was going on, and he saw a super chio about to jump off the deck. He walked over and tried to persuade her not to jump.
*Jack: Chio eh, lee si an zua? So late dun sleep do what? What's your name?
Rose: My name is Mei Kui, but people call me Rose.
Jack: Nah Beh...Why you so chio, but your name like the mamasan at Zhong Guo Chen (China City).
Rose: Shut up lah you, I now want to jump.
Jack: Why jump? Siao ah you, so chio jump for what?
Rose: Aiyah why you so kaypo? I jump you jump?
Jack: Wah lau, don't la haiyah
*So Jack continued to persuade her for a few hours. After three hours...
Jack: Eh don't jump leh, don't lah, siao ah you?
Rose: Aiya, you talk for three hours liao, buay sian meh??
Jack: Ya lor, i think oso a bit sian liao. So, please lah, don't jump lah..
Rose: Shut-up I am really jumping liao.
*Jack was tired, so he stopped persuading...
*Rose: I really jump ah, really ah? Really ah? Really leh. I am not joking leh, I jump ah!!!
Jack was very du lan after wasting so much time. So, he kicked Rose's Ka Cheng and sent her into her watery grave.
Jack: Nah Beh, want to jump, jump lah. NAh beh wasste my time.
Then Jack turned around and he saw the second most beautiful girl on the ship...
*Jack: Oei chio eh, what's your name?
Hibiscus: Me Hibiscus lor. I saw you kick my sister.Hahahahahahhh! Thank you hor. She always steal my boyfriends one.
So Jack and Hibiscus live happily ever after...

o ya before i end ..

this is what we did during lesson time coz

for my revenge yeah~

siock bodoh~

kim and afque colladorated

and asked him to retake his passport

pic again..

den he say "i tot i took already?"

"why mast take again?"

den kim say she accidentally

delete few of the student's pic too

lolX ~

to our surprise he beleive us..

so they use my phone to take his picture

he went to sit at a corner where there's light

and sit to take finish his pic

den after that i took my cable and send his pic to

kim's computer






darren sexydarren sexy


happy sio~


enjoy it..


--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
12:39 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009
1 more day school re-open v^o^v
let's hurray~
finally again got time to post~
later need to go out:p
kay let's start with
last friday, 3 april..
long time no post
actually that night, my ex collegue asked me and huiShan out to
prawning..but canceled
den ..
woke up late that day[abt 3++ den wake]
den play comp..
den abt 7++ went to find huiShan
play bb
den when resting
we sugested to ton
siock sio~coz first time
anyway before that the prawning thing
i oso cn go toning just that caneled
so in exchange i went toning with
huiShan and minYang..
den that night
my mother mouth itchy
ask my bro to come
but lucky
the next day my bro has to go
school dunno for wat thing one~
den end up never..
so huiShan went home
first, minYang acc her
coz he's living at wooldlands area not here anymore
,den i go home too
den prepare finish i meet her at
my house nearby's bus-stop
den went to minYang's
when we reached to interchage,
minyang wanted to find toilet:P
guess what?
when we reached the woodland interchange
LOLx everthing close down
coz 12 already~
so we asked him want to find bushes?
lolX.. of coz he dun want
den he say he can bear with it so let him be:P
den we took taxi to east coast to slack~
den on the way..
huiShan sit infront
i and minYang sit behind..
i share my mp3 with minYang
coz he scare later he keep listen
his phone later no battery..
den i keep saw huiShan
holding the handle above her.. 0.o?
den half way
huiShan msg me say that
the taxi driver never
put his sit belt..
no wonder she keeps holding the handle.. XD
soon after we reached~
noe what?
when i want to go out through the left door [it's where minyang's sitting]
den when he straight go out
he tot i going out by my side den swing the door back
LOLx~hit my head:P
den after that we go around to finding
den we went around to find bicycle
lolX all close already~
so we had to walk ..
den after we went pass a place for prawing
den we went in to see..
den bought cup-noodles..:P
sit there chat alwhile
den after that we continue walking
we walk from the Mac to the no signboard restruant..
den slack around there alwhile~
the reason we head back is becoz
the stone place where we were sitting got bugs~
and also it's abt 4++
and 9a.m. minyang want meet his
den still need to find a suitable place to rest
and of coz talk abt our thing
so we went back..
we slack around the Mac area
got the toy thing which eiuu need to
crane it one~
lolx..so we slack at there
firstly we watched ppl cranning
den went sit on those little kids always
sit one..
we were wondering whether the
thing still working if we put in the money~
so huishan went ask minyang
to go cahnge to $1 $1 coz he's nearer to
the money changer machine
den when to moment huishan put in $1
the thing straight away move sia,
no warning one~
it scared us..
the aeroplane den only up & down
den still got like merry-go-round
den came down ..giddy~
den went to took another one
oso for kids one
the ice-cream van only move left right
den front back..:P
ppl walk pass us looking at us ..
as if we were like siao already
den after that minyang went to
crane the monkey for his
'angel' :P
juz few time got two sia~
den still taiko~
we went to other side one
even more nicer one
den he go give it a try
only one try den
got it sia ..lolX
so after that we went ja lan ja lan around~
den went Mac
slack alwhile ..
went back the same place
den went to the the arcade place..close
den we went to the biliard place
beside got clubbing
noisy sia~
den huishan curious abt it ask the person how old den
can go in..den the person say only for 18 and above..
lolX.. had to wait for next year~
den we curious stad at the outside alwhile
the scurity guard very kind..
still can joke abit..
den the biliard place the entrance
again got the craning things..
huishan so lucky sia..
oso one try got the
bear bear.. got the
'i love u' word den minyang
he wanted den asked huishan can let him have it
huishan of coz dun allow..
den he go try his luck to get it too ..
luck's going down..
he didnt got it den give up ~
lolX .. while the both of
craning i was at the nearby waiting and sitting~
den after we were to go down huishan
asked the scurity guard can let her see see
what's inside..
she got to see the best part ..
pole dance:P
den we went to Mac to slack
again..[coz it cooling at there]
den i and huishan buy thing and eat
minyang fall asleep on the table..
den i and huishan talk abt our personal things
too den suddenly minyang woke up
but lucky.. he woke up when we were talking about those
nonsence which aren't important..:P
den after that we sit alawhile talking
den went out..
coz too cold although we were wearing the jacket..
den went to find place to slack again..
minyang still tired..
soon we found a place he slept..
den the place we slack is the renting bicycle
place.. it's closed so we sit on it's banch..
den i and huishan play poker cards..
suddenly minyang say: hey look up~
den the both of us look lo
lolX the statue of a
"power-ranger" & a "spider-man"
riding a bicycle and roller-blade
i noe it's lame
but still
the both of us gana shock
somehow got a feeling that the "things"
are looking at us=.=!
den after that the moring came^~^
i went near to the coast to see
whether the sun had came up
haiz.. althought i dun get to see
till i little~bit of the sun up
but the shine of the sun is enough to make the view
..den went home
but on the way home
we find the park-way till siao sia
coz me lo..
i tot it's very near to the coast but i rmb there
got nearer way to the bus-stop
den on the way the both of them look like
about to be death..hahaax~
den i dunno still hyper
suddenly high
den keep disturb them
huiShan cant stand me..
den whenever i say this she say back me hahaax~
but still i say till she cnt take it
leave me alone let me high myself
4 april,
den after that in the afternoon we all meet
up again den still
got others too ..
we went to the same place again..
we went to
ride bicycles this time..
so after that they went to
continue play basketball
i and my bro went home...
5 april,
went out to watch (the unborn)
we went there never gana scare by the
show but,
.. we sit at the very back row
den suddenly..
i, huishan, chicken little
heard a sound from behind
the toilet door oso got curtian
the three of us turn back..
chicken little at first tot that was the
special effect of the movie[lolx impossiable]
den after awhile (still looking hard)
suddenly the curtain slowly pop up..
want noe wat's that? it's actually
a uncle with big belly [that's y the curtain pop up]
talking on the phone
standing at there..=.=!!!
6 april,
huishan and minyang went to fish spa
den after meet me play basketball-ing again~
same as before..
7 april,
went early in the morning fish spa~[for leg arh]
den funny sia at first i went to put my leg
in the small fish first den
one fish went to bit me, .. i straight away
put my leg above the water..
itchy sia~
den huishan dare me go big one
there it stated
'bigger fish, bigger sansation'
it first i keep dun want
but after awhile i try putting my leg in
all of the fish rush towards my leg
scarly sio~
den put back the leg in
one fish bit me [indeed bigger sansation]
wth ..
more itchy~!
den huishan say listen song den eiuu try
but after awhile
the both of us got use to it..hahax~
den after awhile we went back to 6 头
to play basketball..
8 april,
basketball- ing
9 april,
basketball- ing
night, huishan cant sleep
msg me 'you sleep liao ma?'
den i say no
den keep msg lo
lolx~actually i can sleep quite early
coz my bro snatch my bed lolx~!
still can pyscho me say aiyah
i noe eiiu vry good one la no need to sleep
no choice need stay awake
i dun like the bed rooms
somehow.haix hard to explain..
den huishan ask me eiuu not sleepy?
of coz sleepy..my eye like dropping out
pain~ den feel like vomit sia~
she keep telling me she cant sleep
i guess she's too stress about lots lots of things
haix ~ but i dunno..
den i suggest her to finish her project rather than
waste the time doing nth..
den after the abt 3++ i went to sleep
cant take it anymore
in morning i saw msg
lolX.. good of her she finish her work^~^
den ..
10 april,
huishan meet me first coz she want
to eat breakfast..early
went to fish farm
with huishan and minyang..
at first the three of us plan to
do fish spa..but public holiday..
too many ppl..
den feed fish only lo
den huishan and minyang bought a turtle..
named it as niu lang(cowherd) and zi nu(veaver-girl)
den went back to lot 1
den go find cassandra and trica(树苗)
disturb them since they are there..
den after that they went their way..
we plan to go science centre hahaa
we went there by cabbing the
uncle funny ..
den the whole journey talking
but we go huishan hus put turtle first den go
den when she's up the taxi quite so the uncle ask us things
hahax~den later awhile i ask the uncle
'guess how old am i ?'
he say ermm hard to say la
but juz say i mature looking..
den huishan came back oso heard osos ask
the uncle den say i look 17 (which i'm now)
but he say huishan look younger den me
she older den me as in few months
den when reach
guess what ticket i and huishan bought
we bluff the person we still
den our ticket is children one..
den went in play..
den suddenly i found out my ear-picece
is not on my neck anymore?
dunno why i so calm this time..
usually i lost my things i will panic till siao
but i calm.. den i try go find it my self while they eating..
but cant find ..
den after tht i came back huishan tell me try the
autitorum see whether it's there or not..
den too much ppl cnt get in ..
lolX but somehow i cn feel it's not in it
if it's in it maybe gana ppl take away lo
den went back i hungry la wantted to buy thing eat
hahaax~still got time to eat..
at first wantted to buy those noodle things to eat but
the both of them gonna finish their food so i
didnt buy..
den after they finish eating we went in suddenly they went both diffent way
i at there stun 0.o?
what they doing
den huishan say helping eiuu find of coz ..
wah~so good? den we went to find ...
minyang keep suddenly lost.. hahaax~
lucky got hp with us..
den we went back to juz now were we
go .. and found it at the second floor..
it was jus beside the heart beat and the bom bom thing ...
ideed 'happy go lucky'
den went there walk walk awhile den went to a place where
got animal one and the bubble thing
huishan and minyang
they count 1, 2, 3 put the string to make bubble thing den
1, 2, 3.. pull
OMG spoil..hahaax~
we quickly get out that place..=p
den we at first plan to go snow-city after that
becoz we were all wearing bermudas
cnt go unless we extra charges by renting the pants..
den went home cabbing to feed their turtle..
den went to fajar to find cassandra..
we had our dinner at there
den they decide to ton at her house
sian they watching ghost show sia
too bad coz i only can ton one night which is tonight
cnt two days
den sleep yesterday night
i wonder how's yesterday
later tonight got ton
ask them..
siock sia tonight again ton
but tonight got more ppl
we plan to cycle at
east coast park..
hopefully fun.
that's all for now folks~


--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
3:13 PM

FYI if u din notice... let me tell u...
hav u noticed tat my posts are shorter den naori's?
im not tat free like her... no time writing a story book like wad shes doin now.
hehe g2g bb~

ThePro =3=
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
11:19 AM

hey dweebs~
whoo~ long time no post... hehe...
no time mah... <<< lying~ ( its actually lazy...) <<< (so NOT true)
anyway... i went 2 Tanjung Piai n Kukup on thurs 9th Apr.
it'll be even better if my closer frens went 4 it though...
i'll show u all the pics when i upload them in tis freakin slow comp...
if i upload it like 2day, maybe i'll oni pop out in tis blog like whn we all are 2000 yrs old...
duno how mani times kena reincarnated edi... ZzZzZ
lately, so bored... ytd was good friday aka easter egg day. i din kno at all.
coincidentally, i ate easter eggs yumm...
von found the 1 n only white choc 1 <<< i relli wanted tat... so we settled a trade.
i wun take her dark choc n she wun take my white choc.
i dun quite like dark choc cuz its bitter. i prefer super sweet type.
HeH ~!
anyways i g2g do my stinkin' hw edi. c ya guys during holidays.

ThePro =3= v^o^v
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
11:09 AM

Friday, April 3, 2009
yo folks~!


11 days of holiday
has passed...
i didnt realise that days actully pass
that fast and without noticing..
coz i have been doing almost same thing everyday
which is, .. wake up
meet huiShan at 130 [usual time]
at her block downstairs or
at her home ..
den ethier went back westSpring
[she stay just few blocks from our sec sch]
went down directly to her nearby basketball court
den after that about 6++ or 7++
went to greenridge shopping centre beside,
the basketball court den
alwhile bored den procced to another place..
next venue is fajar..
huiShan always eats her dinner at there ..
den after finish we went to segar
area near zhenghua cc
to play basketball again
i noe we are wierd
but somehow
a little got addicted to it =D
den if cassandra is with us
den return to fajar
[all the places with i mention is actually very near only]
den maybe grab some drinks
den go to somewhere else
[still in that area]
the fitness corner sit sit talk talk den
when home
walao~ huiShan's bus always came before mine
den if minYang is with us den
he will take bus with me
coz he juz moved house den need to take bus through highway
den his school is near our area..
lolX~so inconvinent sia~
like me lorh~hahax~
lolX~this few days i keep continusly
play basketball with bare foot:p
i think i need to buy a sport shoes soon
or times goes by my leg gonna die off~
LOLx~ =X
haiz~ somehow today did happen something
but i think they're gonna settle it themself
in school or using some backups?
[i think eiuu guys out there noe what's that]
it happens like this..
[i named the groupo easier explain]
group A: huishan, solomon, minyang, and one more forgotten his name
group B: ziqiang, yuekai, minwei, and one more dunno wat his name is :P
den i, isabelle and chicken little never play that match
so we decide to play at the another half court coz
they were using aother half..
den after for alwhile just alwhile..
one of them say play half court
den another say play full court..den making
all blur dunno which they decide
den after that they give final decision
'play full court'
this was what they want..
'A' acttack the left court & 'B' attack the right
so the three of us..still can play the aother half court(B's side)
but when the [B(s)] were attacking this side
den need to clear court..
so we shoot while they were busying attcaking other sides..
den ziqiang still standing in the position
so that whenever his teammates throw the ball to
him den he can score easily as he is very near to the net..
and then this keeps continue till
after i shoot the ball
some wierd argument go on
[it was chicken little and ziqiang]
den when i was about to ask anyone nearby about it
chicken little somehow argue some thing and den
say and point at me
saying that he hate boys bully girl?
HUH?! what the hack is he talking about?
den i remember coz previously when shooting
ziqiang keep on want to block me to
make me either missed or air ball
den very hard to aim..
walao den "alwhile" more minyang got himself into it
and begin to fight with ziqiang
den his older brother minwei pull him back..
den alot of arguments too..
den making me feeling..
soon after alwhile soon the argument is over
den i asked huishan and isabelle
iszit my fault to this whole inccident
den isabelle explain to me that
if i were to be replace with other girl..
the outcome will still be the same
and told me not to worry..
den i also heard some of them say actually
minyang already want to beat him
for long time just that he
keep it to himself..
coz ziqiang had became more and more
bad and he also learnt to skip school too~!
real bad..
den after that the people from group B
gone.. den after that everyone soon
quite forgotten about it
den i go a place sliently think about
maybe i can help in some ways?
den after alwhile of thinking
i went back to play..
and everyone of us stopped talking about it too..
den after we went to greenridge
we went there eat
den went to the nearby
basketball court play alwhile
coz minyang's angel
den after alwhile angel went
home we left that place too..
den we went to segar's
guess wat =.=!!!
too many ppl..for sure we
wouldnt get chance to play..
coz both sides full of ppl
somemore playing match..
den we went to the nearby playground sitting there
den after alwhile
we went to fajar
huishan and minyang wantted to eat their dinner
so we went in the A star coffee shop..
LOLx~something scare me
i tot i saw liying sia~!
a girl really look quite like but
not her..
den another shocking matter is
rather than we saw liying
we saw leebin
[for real this time]
summore with her bf
den after not long they going off
she came by and talk to us
den went off..
den in the coffee shop there's tv
den we watch the 9o'clock show
den until the both of them finished their
dinner den we go home again
walking to the nearby fitness corner
den on our way..
pass few blocks
we spotted something
ermm.. so called
hahaax~den after on way cassandra
sudden mood-swing
haix~must be
sudden recalled about her ex
den after that took bus with minyang
den back to my area den bring him to take his
bus.. den went we were just on
our way walking toward the
bus-stop den the bus 187
drove pass us den he say his bus has come
den both of us ran after it lol
i looked wierd to the ppl around coz i
ran after the bus and didnt get on board
never mind anyway i'm like being wierd
[indeed a wierdo~]
i shall end here FOLKS~
--..CRAP.. HAD a little lamb--
4:55 PM

us, we, our's!

Family pic made by :
Meep-Meepx33 and bits by THE pro~
i'm gonna intro our namo..(according by our age)^~^
mak chik wei
1st = Heero
2nd = Catlyn
watashi wa NAORI desu
3rd = Naori
miss skin
4th = Vincent
THE pro
5th = THE pro
cyber curry
6th = CyberCurry
7th = Meep-Meep
bla bla bla any thing which is CRAP, bla, your comp, bla, your barbie, bla, SPONGEBOB, bla bla bla...
|January 2009|
|February 2009|
|March 2009|
|April 2009|
|THE pro|
|cyber Curry|